Tag Archives: Valdis Krebs

I-Open Leadership Training Conference

The Institute for Open Economic Networks (I-Open) is sponsoring a two day retreat here in Newbury, Ohio, South of Cleveland. Ed Morrison of I-Open introduced us to the process he uses to help citizens build civic space and collaborative communities. I-Open pushes the envelope in using Web 2.0 tools essential to building collaborative networks and is changing the landscape of economic development in many regions of the United States. Today also featured a comprehensive presentation by Valdis Krebs of orgnet.com. He is the pro of Social Network Analysis (SNA) and Organizational Network Analysis (ONA). Visit his site and have your eyes opened.

These are the folks we want to work with in developing a thought leadership network in the second phase of development for www.earthsayers.tv.

Video coverage of today’s presentation is available on the I-Open site: