Tag Archives: terra culture

Sustainability and the other inconvenient Truth

Jonathan Foley in TEDx speech on the “other inconvenient truth” at the intersection of land, food, nightviewand the environment and how much of our resources we use for agriculture.  The images presented in this video are extremely informative, worth a thousand words each.

river1950Colorado River Photos

Jonathan Foley is director of the Institute on the Environment (IonE) at the University of the Minnesota and leader of  the IonE’s Global Landscapes Initiative. Foley’s work focuses on complex global environmental systems and their interactions with human societies.

rivernowWe typically think of climate change as the biggest environmental issue we face today. But maybe it’s not? In this presentation, Jonathan Foley shows how agriculture and land use are maybe a bigger culprit in the global environment, and could grow even larger as we look to feed over 9 billion people in the future.  We need to move towards the concept of Terra Culture.