Tag Archives: earthsayer

Comparing Sustainability to Social Responsibility

I wish I could say I came up with this comparison chart. I could have used it many times over the past year. It was part of Webinar sponsored by two companies, Verdantix and Enviance. The chart  is from David Metcalfe’s presentation which was excellent as was Greg Scandrett’s introduction. Greg is VP of Product Development at Enviance and David Metcalfe is CEO of Verdantix.

Responsibilty is not Sustainability 2

As a sustainability advocate it became clear to me early on in my journey that the social responsibility professionals in an organization were not very interested in our project, EarthSayers.tv, the voices of sustainability. CSR since the advent of social media has become heavy on the “managing corporate reputation” with emphasis on the managing part and, as noted in this chart, focused on NGO’s and eco-consumers, rather than building a trustworthy reputation based on social sustainability principles and practices.

Up to now the C-level sustainability officer is generally focused on environmental concerns, water and energy being high priorities, and cost reductions.  At the social and environmental sustainability intersection is where companies can begin to examine their role in externalizing risks and costs, a practice and mind set that has greatly harmed the environment and all living beings.

EarthSayer.tv on Twitter



For sometime now I have been highlighting the video programs of leaders talking about sustainability on Twitter @mokiethecat. Mokie thinks its time to give an extra effort and call out these programs on Twitter @earthsayer.

Since we are adding videos daily to our collection on EarthSayers.tv, the voices of sustainability, it makes sense to use Twitter to call out important, educational, mostly short, sometimes long audio and videos as part of our mission to increase sustainability awareness.

We are starting with Wendy Brawer, Founder and CEO of Green Map System, defining the term sustainability. Follow @earthsayer and discover how you can learn a lot just by listening. We have screened all programs for relevancy and quality.

Thank you for your interest and support. Ruth Ann a.k.a Mokiethecat