To download a report, click on the cover image.
Curation of COVID-19 research provided by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) on mandates and workplaces from a marketing perspective. Includes findings of study, Fall 2021 Hiring Report.

Key messaging recommendations base on the latest Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) article, “Religious” Exemptions Add Legal Thorns to Looming Vaccine Mandates
September 8, 2021 “The Latest.” Article here.

Copywriting tips to convert “maybe” folks to “yes” and getting vaccinated now.

It is recommended those engaged in social media use these guides to post relevant, helpful, and effective posts that move people to get vaccinated.

Earlier COVID-19 reports and white papers are published on
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or text me at 415-377-1835.
Ruth Ann Barrett, Portland, Oregon