Equal Rights for Women and Girls

About This Collection

Equal Rights for Women is a major category, like energy or climate change, of sustainability and the voices in this collection are of the present and the past.

If we don't address human rights and social justice of which the sustainability keywords and phrases include children's rights and welfare; human trafficking, slavery, and women's rights and roles, then as David Korten points out, we will not be able to come to terms with the limits of the planet and not even technology will be able to save us. 


Curated by mokiethecat

Women in the Workplace - The Path Ahead
Where do women stand in the workforce? Don’t miss our "Women in the Workplace" 10-year anniversary panel event, celebrating a decade of progress and the path ahead. Join us as we reflect on women's gains and setbacks across industries and look forward to new opportunities. Against a backdrop of pivotal social moments over the past decade, including the #MeToo movement and the historic candidacy of the first major party presidential female nominee, how is the pursuit for equitable workplace policies, the talent pipeline, equal representation and pay parity advancing? Jumping off from the 2024 benchmark annual report on "Women in the Workplace" by McKinsey & Company and LeanIn.org, this conversation will explore the latest developments in the diverse experiences of women in workplaces across the United States. Moving beyond corporate diversity rhetoric, our panel of leaders will analyze real-world data and share authentic experiences to lay bare the reality from the C-suite to the first rungs of the career ladder. Speakers are Sukhinder Singh Cassidy, CEO, Xero; Padmasree Warrior Co-Founder and CEO, Fable; and Alexis Krivkovich Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company; Co-founder and Author, "Women in the Workplace" Report—Moderator

EarthSayers Alexis Krivkovich; Sukhinder Singh; Padmasree Warrior

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