Equal Rights for Women and Girls

About This Collection

Equal Rights for Women is a major category, like energy or climate change, of sustainability and the voices in this collection are of the present and the past.

If we don't address human rights and social justice of which the sustainability keywords and phrases include children's rights and welfare; human trafficking, slavery, and women's rights and roles, then as David Korten points out, we will not be able to come to terms with the limits of the planet and not even technology will be able to save us. 


Curated by mokiethecat

Women's Economic Empowerment with Amanda Donigi and others


This discussion is about women's economic empowerment with a focus on the Pacific region. Panelists include Amy Luinstra, Senior Gender Specialist at the International Finance Corporation who has been involved with the recently established Business Coalition for Women in Papua New Guinea -- the first organisation of its kind in the Pacific; Joanne Crawford, Research and Policy Adviser at the International Women's Development Agency (IWDA) and; Amanda Donigi, Founder and Editor of Stella Magazine in Papua New Guinea.

Globally women earn less than men and are less likely to be employed: they are only half as likely to be in full time jobs and when they are, their incomes are on average 10-30 percent lower. Meanwhile the latest Grant Thornton International Business Report indicates that the share of women in senior management roles, worldwide, is only 24 percent. Published on Jun 30, 2014

Moderator: Auskar Surbakti, Journalist

EarthSayers Joanne Crawford; Amanda Donigi; Amy Luinstra

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