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Indigenous Knowledge

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Indigenous Education: Safeguarding Our Knowledge for Future Generations
Our latest issue of the Cultural Survival Quarterly is dedicated to uplifting the work of Indigenous educators and youth to revitalize knowledge systems and pass on languages and lifeways to future generations. Indigenous education honors the important roles of both Elders and youth as knowledge carriers and nurtures their leadership and creativity as they contribute to a thriving community. Join the conversation with Indigenous educators.

Aviut Rojas (Nahuat), Indigenous educator in the USA
Eli Wewentxu (Mapuche), CS Youth Fellow from Chile
Gloria Guadalupe Dzib Kumul (Maya), CS Youth Fellow from Mexico
Catalina Vergara Realpe (Nasa), CS Youth Fellow from Colombia
Byron Tenesaca Guaman (Kañari Kichwa), CS Fellowships Coordinator

Interpretation available at tinyurl.com/indiged116 English and Spanish speakers.
Date unknown Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Our Youth Speak Up More Details
Our Vision of Space and Time by Manari Ushigua
Through dream interpretation and spiritual connections Manari provides cure and haleness to people in search for natural non-invasive processes.

As an indigenous rights advocate and specialist, Manari has been able to detain perforation efforts in his native territory.

He shares his us his people's vision of space and time and encourages us to rediscover our bond with nature.

Manari is a ceremonial leader and healing man. His specialty is medicinal plants, especially natural tobacco, with which he cures â₁“modern dayâ€ï¿½ sicknesses and afflictions. Through dream interpretation and spiritual connections Manari provides cure and haleness to people in search for natural non-invasive processes.

As an indigenous rights advocate and specialist, Manari has been able to detain perforation efforts in his native territory. His work has led to the defense of the rights of the Sapara community at the Interamerican Human Rights court, the permanent forum for indigenous communities within the United Nations, the European Parliament and international cooperation agencies.

As an entrepreneur, Manari manages the communitarian Enterprise NAKU, â₁“The Jungleâ€ï¿½ in Sapara language, which provides ecotourism, healing alternatives and research for natural medicine development through native tools and indigenous cultural heritage of his people.
EarthSayer Manari Ushigua
Date unknown Format Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
Corrina Gould Rematriation: Indigenous Women's Work to Recover

Returning to open this year’s conference, one of the leading figures in the East Bay Indigenous community and a longtime activist for First People’s rights and the protection of land and waters globally, Corrina Gould, will focus on the concept and practice of “Rematriation,” which involves reclaiming traditional land and sacred sites to help rebuild traditional cultures and heal the deep wounds inflicted by colonization and genocide and also prioritizes the unique role women play in that enormous undertaking.

Corrina Gould, born and raised in the village of Huichin (now known as Oakland CA), is the Tribal Chair for the Confederated Villages of Lisjan Nation and co-founded and is the Lead Organizer for Indian People Organizing for Change, a small Native-run organization; as well as of the Sogorea Te’ Land Trust, an urban Indigenous women-led organization within her ancestral territory. Through the practices of “rematriation,” cultural revitalization and land restoration, the Land Trust calls on Native and non-Native peoples to heal and transform legacies of colonization and genocide and to do the work our ancestors and future generations are calling us to do.

This keynote talk was delivered at the 2024 Bioneers Conference. To see more conference talks visit https://www.bioneers.org

EarthSayer Corrina Gould
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
The Next System: Indigenous Worldviews
Building a "next system" to supplant the current systemic drivers of our economic and political crises should include the wisdom of Indigenous cultures rooted in non-capitalist social and economic forms that center life and nature. This panel discussion hosted by The Democracy Collaborative features Freida Jacques, Turtle Clan Mother of the Onondaga Nation; Jeff Corntassel of the Cherokee Nation and professor of Indigenous studies at the University of Victoria; and Miki’ala Catalfano, a Hawai'i resident and co-director of Native Roots Network. Moderating is Stephanie Gutierrez, a member of the Oglala Sioux Tribe of South Dakota and founder of Hope Nation LLC. Introdicing the panel is Joe Guinan, president of The Democracy Collaborative.
EarthSayers Mikiā€™ala Catalfano; Jeff Corntassel; Freida Jacques
Date unknown Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
Delivering Nature Positive: a new corporate tool to support the adoption of nature-based solutions
Nature-based solutions are useful to deliver multiple wins to business, nature and people. They are currently not widely adopted by companies, indeed working with nature to help meet corporate climate goals or mitigate other risks in the value chain is still largely uncharted territory for most businesses and their senior leadership teams. More corporate projects throughout value chains will be essential to help deliver a net zero, nature-positive world.

CISL recognises that, for some companies, approving the first nature-based solution project, including investing in regenerative agriculture, will present particular challenges due to the nature of these types of projects, particularly when it comes to quantifying expected benefits. With Support from the We Mean Business Coalition, CISL developed a diagnostic tool launched in March 2022 to help companies unlock investments in NbS within their value chains.

Our upcoming webinar will explore how businesses are progressing with their Nature-positive ambitions, views on overcoming challenges to implementing NbS as well as demonstrating how this tool can help you.

This event is part of CISL’s project to support business to #GetNBSready.
EarthSayer Chris Brown
Date unknown Format Webinar (Zoom+)
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
Ojibwe Clans by Anton Treuer

Anton Treuer explains the origin and function of the clan system in Ojibwe culture and how it has changed over time. Narration is in English with some Ojibwe vocabulary. March 28, 2021

EarthSayer Anton Treuer
Date unknown Format Teaching
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
National Indigenous Peoples Day with Knowledge Keepers

Panel Discussion with Knowledge Keepers – Part 1/ June 23, 2020


In honour of National Indigenous Peoples Day, Anishinaabe Elder Dr. David Courchene, Métis Cree knowledge keeper Maria Campbell, and Inuk professor and Elder Dr. Karla J. Williamson participated in a panel discussion with Canadian Ministers Carolyn Bennett, Marc Miller, and Dan Vandal. This first installment in a two-part conversation touches on a variety of important topics to Indigenous peoples across Canada.(transcript)

EarthSayers Carolyn Bennett; Maria Campbell; Dr. Karla J. Williamson
Date unknown Format Webinar (Zoom+)
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Elder Dave Courchene More Details
Wolf Joe Official Trailer

Wolf Joe is an exciting and brand-new animated series that follows the daily adventures of Joe, a young First Nations boy who, with his two best friends, is inspired by the universal values of The Seven Teachings Wheel to explore his Indigenous culture, heritage, and identity. Premiered January 8, 2021. 

Date unknown Format Cartoon and Animation
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Our Youth Speak Up More Details
A Winter Solstice Special: Lighting the Sacred Fire

The Turtle Lodge Presents a Special Winter Solstice Presentation: “Lighting the Sacred Fire.”

Highlighting Turtle Lodge Knowledge Keepers Elder Dr. Dave Courchene, Grandmother Jane Meader, Hereditary Chief Stephen Augustine, and Grandmother Katherine Whitecloud.  

Featuring Entertainers Buffy Sainte-Marie & Serena Ryder, and Music by Melissa Etheridge & Archie Roach!

We hope you enjoy it. 

EarthSayers Hereditary Chief Stephen Augustine; Grandmother Jane Meader; Grandmother Katherine Whitecloud
Date unknown Format Visualization
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Elder Dave Courchene More Details
Dialogue 5: Drawing on Indigenous Knowledge in Responding to COVID-19

Reconciling Ways of Knowing “Drawing on Indigenous Knowledge in Responding to COVID-19.”

This dialogue originally aired on November 12, 2020 at 10:30 am Pacific / 12:30 pm Central / 2:30 pm Atlantic.

Moderator: Darrin Mah, JD facilitates a dialogue amongst Elder Dr. Dave Courchene, Jr, Grandmother Katherine Whitecloud, Miles Richardson, OC, Tom Swanky, JD, and Dr. Sabina Ijaz; on the history of what Indigenous Peoples have learned in responding to pandemics, how this informed their responses to COVID-19, and what could be learned more broadly within Canadian society and the global community from these lessons.

EarthSayers Dr. Sabina Ijaz; Tom Swanky, JD; Grandmother Katherine Whitecloud
Date unknown Format Live Stream
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Reconciling Ways of Knowing More Details

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