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Why biodiversity matters | The Circular Economy Show

Our current linear economic system contributes to biodiversity loss. Why is that a problem? When biodiversity thrives, so does the economy.

The Foundation's Cindy Venho and Maya Adams talk about why biodiversity needs to be protected and how the circular economy can tackle biodiversity loss.
Thank you for watching this video. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation is a UK charity that develops and promotes the idea of a circular economy, which - driven by design, eliminates waste and pollution, circulates products and materials, and regenerates nature.

Subscribe to The Ellen MacArthur Foundation for more insightful videos -https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQAC2otE5_agzHZPnk3mE5w?sub_confirmation=1

Find out more about our work here: www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org

Follow us online on these channels:
Instagram: http://instagram.com/EllenMacArthurFoundation
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ellenmacarthurfoundation
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/circulareconomy
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Website: http://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org

EarthSayer Cindy Venho
Date 5/10/2022 Format Teaching
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Biodiversity More Details
Regenerating nature in a circular economy

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The extractive and wasteful economic practices of today are at the heart of the destruction of biodiversity. Preserving and enhancing valuable natural resources and the ecosystems that are essential to a thriving and prosperous existence requires a rethink of how our economy operates. In this episode, we begin to explore how a circular economy helps to tackle the root causes of this global challenge creating new sources of value and regenerating nature.

Speakers featured:

Patrick Holden- Founding Director and Chief Executive of the Sustainable Food Trust
Luc Bas - European Regional Director for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Felipe Villela- Founder and COO of reNature
Hanneke Faber- President Global Foods & Refreshment & Member of the Unilever Executive team

EarthSayers Luc Bas; Hanneke Faber; Patrick Holden
Date 6/29/2021 Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection The Circular Economy More Details
One Earth: Integrating Climate Action & Biodiversity Conservation into a Blueprint
The vast biodiversity of our planet is the underlying fabric supporting all life on Earth, but the prognosis is grim: biodiversity rates are continuing to plummet as extinctions of species accelerate.

Fortunately, the evidence suggests that there are in fact viable pathways for successful action at a global scale, but only if we mobilize and act decisively and rapidly. In this session, we will learn how we can protect and restore 50% of global landscapes while staying below 1.5°C temperature rise in the next few decades. Projects such as the newly launched Global Safety Net provide a roadmap: a bioregional approach combining world-class science, a clear focus on Indigenous rights and stewardship, support for grassroots action, and a vision for transformative philanthropy.

This panel took place at the Bioneers 2020 Conference.

Hosted by Justin Winters, Co-Founder and Executive Director of One Earth, with: Carly Vynne, Strategic Partner at RESOLVE; Oscar Soria, Campaign Director at AVAAZ; Karl Burkart, Managing Director of One Earth; Angela Amanakwa Kaxuyana, part of the senior leadership of the Brazilian Coordination of Indigenous peoples in the Amazon (COIAB).
EarthSayers Angela Amanakwa Kaxuyana; Oscar Soria; Carly Vynne
Date 12/27/2020 Format Webinar (Zoom+)
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Biodiversity More Details
The Call of the Pika

Listen to the call of the pika. Sometimes referred to as rock rabbits, pika calls are used for individual recognition, predator warning signals, territory defense, or as a way to attract a mate. Learn more about pikas: https://biodiv.us/3aMCVtT

Date 4/7/2020 Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Biodiversity More Details
Climate Change - Causes, Consequences and Mitigation Solutions by Duncan Stewart | Talks at Google

Tune in to hear from award winning architect and environmentalist Duncan Stewart in this talk on the challenges posed by greenhouse gas emissions to Earth’s climate system, its impacts to our young generation’s future, along with impacts to biodiversity, and what we can do about it.

A pioneer of ecologically sustainable architecture, timber building design, renewable energy, energy efficient & nearly zero carbon buildings, Duncan is a director of the Irish Environmental Network, the Dublin Civic Trust, and a director & former chairperson of Green Foundation Ireland. He is also the producer & presenter of 'Eco Eye’ & ‘About the House’ TV series on RTE 1.

Duncan Stewart is a founder of Eco Ed 4 All - Developing Environmental Education for Schools in Ireland & CPD courses for teachers on Environmental themes. These include impacts and remedies to the following: Climate Change, Biodiversity, Land Use and Farming, Circular Economy, Air & Water Pollution, impacts to the Developing World and the UN Sustainable Development Goals to 2030.

EarthSayer Duncan Stewart
Date 3/2/2020 Format Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
People vs. Plastic

A growing movement is demanding the federal government better regulate pollution from plastic-making plants. People are waking up to the dangers of plastics production and taking action. Read more: https://biodiv.us/33Yx7Jz

Date 12/6/2019 Format Demonstrations
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Ep2: In a tizzy over pizzlies | FROZEN ISLANDS, ARCTIC SEAS | #WWFVoices

This week, Joshua Powell explains what pizzlies are and how climate change is affecting species living in the Arctic. New episodes of Frozen Islands, Arctic Seas every Thursday - subscribe now so you don’t miss out!

Follow Joshua Powell:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/joshuapowell.official
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/joshuapowell_official/

EarthSayer Joshua Powell
Date 1/2/2019 Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
Greenpeace: 6 steps to protect forests and biodiversity

Greenpeace is fighting for forest protection around the globe to stop deforestation and degradation. Our work is focused on the 5 biggest forest regions in the world: Indonesia, the Amazon, the Congo Basin, and the Boreal forest. Working together with Indigenous Peoples and allies, we've been calling out companies who contribute to forest destruction and governments who have failed to protect them.

Date 5/15/2018 Format Appeal
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Biodiversity More Details
Mapping the World’s Trees in Unprecedented Detail with AI
WRI’s Global Restoration Initiative and researchers from Land & Carbon Lab have partnered with Meta to develop a groundbreaking AI foundation model that we’ve used to produce the world’s first global map of tree canopy height at a 1-meter resolution, allowing the detection of single trees at a global scale.

This new high-resolution data sets a baseline for remotely monitoring changes at the level of individual trees, making it a critical advancement for measuring land use emissions and tracking progress on conservation and restoration projects, which are essential for achieving the world’s goals for climate, nature and people. While this initial data set has limitations, it demonstrates the power of foundation models — a type of AI model that can serve as the “foundation†for a variety of tasks — to pave a new path toward AI-driven earth monitoring.

Find out more in our blog: https://www.landcarbonlab.org/news-updates/mapping-trees-unprecedented-detail-ai
EarthSayers John Brandt; Justine Spore
Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Forests More Details
The Book of Extinction: Learn More About This New Partnership

Kieran’s interview on Making a Monster: https://scintilla.studio/monster-extinction-great-auk/

Gopher tortoise: https://biodiv.us/3JZT3v5
Bumblebee: https://biodiv.us/3z8dj8p
Atrazine: https://biodiv.us/3lFfdKU
Leopards: https://biodiv.us/3neJr7Z
About us: The Center for Biological Diversity is a 501c3 nonprofit headquartered in Tucson, Arizona. At the Center, we believe that the welfare of human beings is deeply linked to nature — to the existence in our world of a vast diversity of wild animals and plants. Because diversity has intrinsic value, and because its loss impoverishes society, we work to secure a future for all species, great and small, hovering on the brink of extinction. We do so through science, law and creative media, with a focus on protecting the lands, waters and climate that species need to survive. We want those who come after us to inherit a world where the wild is still alive.

Where to find us:
WEBSITE: https://www.biologicaldiversity.org/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/CenterForBioDiv
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/CenterforBioDiv/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/centerforbiodiv/
TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@centerforbiodiv

For questions or media inquiries, email us at center@biologicaldiversity.org.
EarthSayer Lucas Zellers
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Biodiversity More Details

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