
Displaying 10 videos of 38 matching videos

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Farm Workers Growing Our Food Will Suffer the Most from Climate Change

"It's a deep irony that the people growing our food face some of the biggest risks related to climate change," explains Civil Eats author Twilight Greenaway, describing the threats farm workers face from extreme heat, soil-borne illness, and more.

EarthSayer Twilight Greenaway
Date 7/19/2019 Format Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
The Next Sector for Disruption with Davida Herzl

CEO and Co-founder of Aclima, Davida Herzl talks about agriculture, food and feeding the world's population and why she thinks it's critical in battling climate change. More here.

EarthSayer Davida Hertzl
Date 5/20/2018 Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
Shorter Supply Chains, Better Food, Healthier Economy : Food Share

Shorter Supply Chains, Better Food, Healthier Economy - SustainablePR Interviews Tangleroot Farms

In this interview on the sustainability benefits of local agriculture, SPR founder Tony DeFazio speaks with Adam Reed, founder of Tangleroot Farm, about their Community Supported Agriculture program. This CSA, sometimes called a farm share, is like a monthly produce subscription box that provides people, restaurants, and local produce markets with certified organic fruits and veggies that were grown locally. Listen in as these two entrepreneurs talk sustainability and how shortening our food supply chains can help boost the local economy.  

CSA is Community Supported Agriculture.

EarthSayers Tony DeFazio; Adam Reed
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
(LIVE Archive) Black Farming: Food Justice & Land Stewardship
Black communities have a long and complicated relationship with American soil. The ongoing call to address systemic racism, patterns of abuse, violence and dispossession have brought back to the mainstream the conversation of BIPOC communities' historical connections to land.

What are the connections between this history and current "food apartheid" (food deserts)? How is the Black farming movement connected to changes in larger food systems and the growth of worker cooperatives? How are people incorporating environmental sustainability into their work? And what can we learn from both the rich history of resistance and current strategies to inform how we resource a world where all people have access to healthy, fresh and locally sourced food?

Join the San Francisco Foundation and The Commonwealth Club of California as Doria Robinson, executive director of Urban Tilth, and Andrea Talley, worker-owner of the Mandela Grocery Cooperative, explore multiple issues and interconnections that surround farming and food access for BIPOC communities. In conversation with Natalie Baszile, noted author of Queen Sugar and We Are Each Other’s Harvest.


Marcus Books
This program is made possible by San Francisco Foundation's Bay Area Leads donors.

San Francisco Foundation Bay Area Leads

NOVEMBER 8, 2021


Fred Blackwell
CEO, San Francisco Foundation

Doria Robinson
Executive Director, Urban Tilth

Andrea Talley
Worker-Owner, Mandela Grocery Cooperative

Natalie Baszile
Author, Queen Sugar and We Are Each Other's Harvest: Celebrating African American Farmers, Land, and Legacy

🎉 BECOME a MEMBER: https://www.commonwealthclub.org/membership

The Commonwealth Club of California is the nation's oldest and largest public affairs forum 📣, bringing together its 20,000 members for more than 400 annual events on topics ranging across politics, culture, society and the economy.

Founded in 1903 in San Francisco California 🌉, The Commonwealth Club has played host to a diverse and distinctive array of speakers, from Teddy Roosevelt in 1911 to Hillary Clinton in 2010. Along the way, Martin Luther King, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton have all given landmark speeches at the Club.
EarthSayers Doria Robinson; Andrea Talley
Date unknown Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
Biodynamic Farming, Climate, Carbon by Paul Dolan

Winemaker and Sustainability Advocate, Paul Dolan talks about what is going on today with addressing carbon and its impact on the wine industry. He feels we are "just working around the edges of being sustainability."

EarthSayer Paul Dolan
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
Ethical Cannabis Part 2 of 4

Ethical Cannabis Alliance Kick off Event with Emma Chasen, Ashley Preece, and Laura Day Rivero. More info here.

In order to address the current state of the industry, and the need for robust labor and environmental standards, ECA Executive Director Ashley Preece was joined by two outstanding guest presenters. Hear from Laura Day Rivero, who has extensive experience implementing sustainable practices in the cannabis industry, most recently as Operations Director at Yerba Buena, one of the first OLCC licensed cannabis cultivators in Oregon;  Dr. Elizabeth Bennett, Assistant Professor of International Affairs and Director of the Political Economy Program at Lewis & Clark College, as well as a Research Associate at the Center for Fair and Alternative Trade (CFAT) at Colorado State University. Recently, Dr. Bennett has been studying the demand for ethically sourced cannabis products in Oregon at the dispensary/retail level. This study is also tracking the how informed the dispensary employee, or “budtender” providing them are on the topic of ethically produced cannabis. 

We hope you’ll take the time to view these presentations on our YouTube channel, as well as following our Facebook and Instagram accounts to get involved and stay informed.

Part 2 is on EarthSayers.tv here

Produce/videotaped by Barry Heidt and curated by Ruth Ann Barrett of EarthSayers.tv.

EarthSayers Dr. Elizabeth Bennett; Ashley Preece; Laura Day Rivero
Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Ethical Cannabis Part 1 of 4 with Preece, Bennett, and Day Rivero

Published on Jun 25, 2017

Ethical Cannabis Alliance Kick off Event with Emma Chasen, Ashley Preece, and Laura Day Rivero. More info here.
In order to address the current state of the industry, and the need for robust labor and environmental standards, ECA Executive Director Ashley Preece was joined by two outstanding guest presenters. Hear from Laura Day Rivero, who has extensive experience implementing sustainable practices in the cannabis industry, most recently as Operations Director at Yerba Buena, one of the first OLCC licensed cannabis cultivators in Oregon;  Dr. Elizabeth Bennett, Assistant Professor of International Affairs and Director of the Political Economy Program at Lewis & Clark College, as well as a Research Associate at the Center for Fair and Alternative Trade (CFAT) at Colorado State University. Recently, Dr. Bennett has been studying the demand for ethically sourced cannabis products in Oregon at the dispensary/retail level. This study is also tracking the how informed the dispensary employee, or “budtender” providing them are on the topic of ethically produced cannabis. B

We hope you’ll take the time to view these presentations on our YouTube channel, as well as following our Facebook and Instagram accounts to get involved and stay informed.

Produce/videotaped by Barry Heidt and curated by Ruth Ann Barrett of EarthSayers.tv. Part 2 available here on EarthSayers.tv. 
EarthSayers Dr. Elizabeth Bennett; Laura Day Rivero
Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Oregon Hemp Harvest 2016 with Rick Kiyak-Boughton

Published on Jan 27, 2017

Enjoy a visit with some of Oregon's first hemp farmers. Rick Kiyak-Boughton, Andy Kimm and Trevor Hill. They share their message of commitment of working and bringing the many benefits of this plant to us all. PacificHempFarms.com
EarthSayers Trevor Hill; Andy Kimm; Rick Kiyak-Boughton
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Seed: The Untold Story (trailer)

Published on Jul 23, 2016

Few things on Earth are as miraculous and vital as seeds. Worshipped and treasured since the dawn of humankind. SEED: The Untold Story follows passionate seed keepers protecting our 12,000 year-old food legacy.
EarthSayers Andrew Kimball; Leigh Kuwanwisiwma
Date unknown Format Trailer
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
Perspective from Finland and Canada on Growing Hemp

Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance (CHTA) interview at the Nov 2014 conference. Hemp growers in Canada and Finland (Finola) in an interview at the Canadian.

Anita Hemmila, Jace Callaway,Will Van Roessel, and Dave Markus are featured in the interview talking about their experiences in growing hemp. Video by Barry Heidt on behalf of the Oregon Agriculture Food and Rural Consortium (OAFRC).

EarthSayers Jace Callaway; Anita Hemmila; Will Van Roessel
Date unknown Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

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