Wisdom Keepers

About This Collection

There are fifty+ channels on YouTube bringing the voices of wisdom keepers to the fore, most publishers are indigenous communities. We support the sharing and preservation of sacred wisdom teachings, the very foundation of sustainability principles and practices, and offer EarthSayers as a "connecting tool" working towards the idea of One Voice through this special collection and other vidoes on EarthSayers such the series, Native Perspectives on Sustainability and special collections on Indigenous Elders Dr. David Courchene, Ilarion Merculief, and Dr. Robin Kimmerer

We are grateful to the individuals and organizations who are using the world wide web to present and spread the indigenous voices of wisdom.

Curated by mokiethecat

Water Ethic: C.Meine with Josephine Mandamin

Published August 30th by Humans and Nature

Josephine Mandamin an Anishabaabewe grandmother with a copper pail of water in one hand and a staff in the other, took on a sacred walk, traversing over 10,900 miles around each of the Great Lakes. She is known as the “Water Walker.”

According to the Michigan Sea Grant, the Great Lakes shoreline is equal to almost 44% of the circumference of the earth.  “When you see someone walking with a pail of water, you wonder, where is she going with that water.”

So the message is, water is very precious, and I will go to any lengths to and direction to carry the water to the people.”

“As women, we are carriers of the water. We carry life for the people. So when we carry that water, we are telling people that we will go any lengths for the water. We’ll probably even give our lives for the water if we have to. We may at some point have to die for the water, and we don’t want that,” said Mandamin.

EarthSayers Josephine Mandamin; Curtis Meine

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