Leadership Development

About This Collection

This special collection focuses on those voices of sustainability addressing the attributes of leaders and the processes for developing them.  A failure of leadership has been cited by academics such as Bill George of Harvard University as putting our country at risk and a factor in the 2008 economic collapse. There is Doug Cohen addressing natural leadership, calling out what is Job One of a leader.  His view might surprise you.

Since out site, EarthSayers.tv, focuses on sustainability leaders we thought it useful to call out the voices that are emphasizing leadership development and talking about the qualiites of a leader since the category has a history of stereotyping that pretty much has excluded half of the population based on gender, another large percentage based on color or ethnic origin, and our young citizens. The face as well as the voice of a leader is changing and we want to call out those among us addressing this change.

The five qualities of leadership we have seen as we have grown the EarthSayers collection are: (1) Givers not takers; (2) Motivators; (3) Different and humble; (4) Multi-cultured; and (5) Visible.  We think you'll hear these qualities from leadership experts in this special collection and see them in the leaders here on EarthSayers.tv.

Curated by mokiethecat

Visually Disrupting Injustice by Adebayo Okeowo |
June 14, 2018

Adebayo Okeowo is no ordinary human rights lawyer. In this emotive talk given at TEDxPretoria, he shares his idea around using visuals to make the law less complicated and more relatable. Adebayo says that we should never underestimate the power of a picture to communicate critical issues like human rights. Adebayo is a human rights lawyer with vast experience working for African and international organizations including SERAC, Global Rights, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, and Global Integrity, amongst others. He currently works as Advocacy Coordinator for the Centre for Human Rights based in Pretoria, South Africa and is a research fellow with the Center for Human Rights Science, Pittsburgh USA.  In 2013, Adebayo started an organization called White Code Centre, which uses audio- visuals to reshape how human rights are perceived. He is also part of the global team working with Amnesty International on its open source investigation project called the Digital Verification Corps (DVC). Adebayo continues to create riveting visuals because he believes in their ability to challenge stereotypes and change status quo. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at TEDxPretoria

EarthSayer Adebayo Okeowo

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