Transforming Our Economy

About This Collection

Inspired by the Capital Institute's Third Millennium Economy initiative, this collection highlights those voices - ecological economists, sociologist, finance professionals, environmentalists, community developers - advocating a restructuring of our economy to transition to a truly sustainable economic system.

Curated by mokiethecat

Rethinking Our Economic System by Strong, Stigson and Kierman

Our economic model is believed by many to be broken. Pioneers Maurice Strong, Bjorn Stigson, Matthew Kiernan, Jonathon Porritt and others emphasize the need to challenge the orthodoxies of our current model, envisioning a transition from an economically-driven framework to one that acknowledges ecological infrastructure as the foundation. This is one of twenty interviews from the Ray Anderson Memorial Interviews as part of The Regeneration Project a joint project of Sustainability and GlobeScan.

EarthSayers Matthew Kiernan; Bjorn Stigson; Maurice Strong

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