Health and Wellness

About This Collection

The sustainability category of health and wellness is both wide and deep. In this special collection our intention is to highlight voices of sustainability that are often lost in the sea of advertising by pharmaceutical and insurance companies for products and services. The information found on this site is not intended as recommendations for cures or a change in medical protocols, but, rather, an emphasis on innovative and fresh perspectives and ideas affecting the health and wellness of our citizens. Critical thinking, vision, and values are emphasized here on EarthSayers.

Curated by mokiethecat

Living in a Stressful Environment by Szuson Wong

Szuson Wong presented at the SEED Graduate Institute's 2012 Conference, Wisdom from the Origins: The Mayan Calendar and Other Prophecies on the Future of Humanity. Her workshop, Embody the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine in Becoming Whole and Awakened, addressed giving birth to our new Selves at this important evolutionary juncture of planet Earth. It is essential to embrace and integrate our feminine with our masculine as this harmony and union will empower us to enhance the spiritual evolution of humanity and the planet.

Ms. Wong is Chinese, Kiwi, American, Canadian and a writer, speaker and workshop facilitator. She is a healer, teacher, and author of Guardian of Gaia. She began as a Registered Nurse and continued with a degree in Acupuncture at the Beijing International School of Acupuncture, followed by a Doctorate in Energy Medicine.

To order her book from Amazon, click on the image or visit your local bookstore. Thank you.

She was interviewed and videotaped by Barry Height of Sustainability Action Media and the video produced and curated by Ruth Ann Barrett of EarthSayers.tv.

EarthSayer Szuzon Wong

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