People | Human Rights/Social Justice

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Our Children's Trust with Victoria Barrett

May 8, 2017 Our Children’s Trust, which is suing the federal government over its climate policies on behalf of twenty-one young people. The lawsuit asks the federal government to prepare a science-based national climate recovery plan that will bring carbon dioxide to below 350 parts per million by the year 2100. And results have been encouraging: a preliminary ruling in November states that the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to a climate system capable of sustaining human life. Victoria Barrett is one of the plaintiffs.

EarthSayer Victoria Barrett
Date 5/8/2017 Format Series
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Our Youth Speak Up More Details
Descendant of Sitting Bull speaks at UN about fight against Dakota Access and State Violence

April 25th, 2017: Brenda White Bull, lineal descendant of Lakota Chief Sitting Bull and Standing Rock Sioux Nation citizen, presented an intervention at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. She spoke on the state and personal violence perpetrated upon Indigenous women and men in the fight against the Dakota Access pipeline. watch and share! #IndigenousRising #NoDAPL #WaterisLife #StandWithStandingRock Shot and edited by @IndigenousWomenMedia

EarthSayer Brenda White Bull
Date 4/26/2017 Format Testimony
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Standing Rock Indian Reservation More Details
Matt Damon on Water, Dignity and Being Intimidated by a 13-year-old

Water.org co-founder Matt Damon shares some inspiring thoughts and anecdotes with World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim. Learn how water can be made accessible to the world’s poorest. And see how even a mega-star can be humbled by a smart Haitian pre-teen.

EarthSayers Matt Damon; Jim Yong Kim
Date 4/22/2017 Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Our Youth Speak Up More Details
What Gender Reconciliation Looks Like by Cynthia Brix

Will Keepin & Cynthia Brix - Transforming Patriarchy: From Gender Oppression to Beloved Community Watch their full talk here.

The Gender Equity and Reconciliation process (GRI) seeks to heal the profound wounds around gender, sexuality, and relational intimacy. It brings together people of all sexual orientations and genders to jointly confront gender disharmony to reach healing reconciliation. Will and Cynthia have developed the method over 24 years, introducing the practices in nine countries. Gender reconciliation's startling successes in South Africa have played a role in transforming that country's AIDS and HIV policies, and exciting new academic research on the program is underway at two South African universities.

This speech was given at the 2016 National Bioneers Conference.

Please join our mailing list (http://www.bioneers.org/subscribe), stay in touch via Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/Bioneers.org) and follow us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/bioneers).

EarthSayers Cynthia Brix; William Keepin
Date 3/7/2017 Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Equal Rights for Women and Girls More Details
Sarayaku in Standing Rock

From the Ecuadorian Amazon, Sarayaku stands in solidarity with the Sioux Nation in North Dakota in their peaceful struggle against the oil pipeline crossing their sacred land in Standing Rock. #NoDAPL

EarthSayer Franco Tulio Viteri Gualanga
Date 2/27/2017 Format Appeal
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Standing Rock Indian Reservation More Details
Sarayaku in Standing Rock

Published on Feb 27, 2017

From the Ecuadorian Amazon,

stands in solidarity with the Sioux Nation in North Dakota in their peaceful struggle against the oil pipeline crossing their sacred land in Standing Rock. #NoDAPL

Date 2/27/2017 Format Demonstrations
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Standing Rock Indian Reservation More Details
Aboriginal Truth and Reconciliation (Panel)

First Nations and Métis leaders discuss the meaning of truth and reconciliation, the effects of the residential school system, and what should be done next to continue to the process. Featuring Clayton Thomas-Muller, 350.org; Jeff Baker, University of Saskatchewan; Eriel Deranger, Indigenous Climate Action; Melina Laboucan Massimo, Greenpeace Canada; Tara Houska, Honor the Earth This presentation took place in the Indigeneity Forum at the 2016 National Bioneers Conference.

Indigeneity is a Native-led Program within Bioneers/Collective Heritage Institute that promotes indigenous knowledge and approaches to solve the earth’s most pressing environmental and social issues through respectful dialogue.

Support Bioneers today: www.bioneers.org/donate. Please join our mailing list (http://www.bioneers.org/subscribe), stay in touch via Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/Bioneers.org) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/bioneers).

EarthSayers Eriel Deranger; Melina Laboucan Massimo; Clayton Thomas-Muller
Date 2/20/2017 Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
Twenty Years of Defending the Amazon.

October 26, 2016 Since its beginning 20 years ago, Amazon Watch has been deeply committed to defending indigenous peoples' rights and territories, for they are the best guardians of their rainforest homes. Considering that indigenous lands hold 80% of global biodiversity, it is no surprise that extractive industries want their resources. If left to them, the Amazon's Sacred Headwaters would become one big oil field, and the watersheds of the Brazilian Amazon would be destroyed by agribusiness and mega-dams. There is another way! Amazon Watch continues to stand with indigenous allies in defending their territories and sacred natural areas as industrial "No Go Zones." We are committed to supporting and amplifying Sarayaku's Kawsak Sacha, or Living Forests, proposal in defense of all life in the Amazon by keeping the oil in the ground. We want to expand this model throughout the Amazon, so that places like Yasuní National Park and the Xingu and Tapajós rivers will never again be considered for industrial development. We are also waging international market campaigns to expose and pressure governments and corporations that are causing harm. Our new Amazon Crude Campaign aims to reduce demand for rainforest-destroying oil. We recently began working with Brazilian allies to expose the financiers of environmental and indigenous rights law rollbacks. Learn more and join the movement at amazonwatch.org. Produced by @Ecodeo (http://www.ecodeo.co) Additional footage generously provided by: Todd Southgate, SpectralQ, Gert-Peter Bruch / Planète Amazone.

Date 10/24/2016 Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Forests More Details
EarthSayer Clayton Thomas-Mueller
Date 10/11/2012 Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Rights of Mother Earth - Super Tanker BC Coast- Canadian Tar Sands

Tom Goldtooth opens this segment by sharing the Indigenous Knowledge of Well-being - The Good Life, Living a state of being... Opening with a nature song from Chief Dan George Discussion continues with impacts and consequences of allowing tar sands oil to move through BC and on to super tankers bound for China

Date 4/9/2012 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

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