Planet | Pollution, Toxins & Waste

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The Ocean Conservancy

The Ocean Conservancy encourages looking beneath the surface to see where the health of our planet really begins. t’s time to recognize the source that sustains us day to day with the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe...to discover that all living things are connected to the ocean. It’s time to understand that going green starts with living blue. It’s time to start a sea change.(April 2010)



Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Oceans More Details
Interviews at the 2010 Bioneers Conference
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Mike and JoAnna Bresnan of Costa Rica's, Children Feeding Children, program and the change and transformation that is occurring around the world. They introduce interviews with Annie Leonard and David Orr while attending the 2010 Bioneers Conference held October 15-17, 2010 in San Rafael, California.

Filmed by Barry Heidt of GeoSpirit.tv and edited by Rob Russo.

EarthSayers JoAnne Bresnan; Annie Leonard; David Orr
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Bioneers More Details
Life Pscycle-ology - the secret life of a little mobile phone
Discover the hidden life of a mobile phone... Eric is seeing a therapist because he is suffering from an existential crises after his owner abandons him for a newer model. In this cute animation we discover the secret life of a mobile phone as the therapist takes Eric through a past life regression. This animation is part of The Secret Life of Things series which includes free learning resources on environmental issues in design and production - www.thesecretlifeofthings.com. Created by www.ecoinnovators.com.au
Date unknown Format Cartoon and Animation
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Stuff, Life and Cybernetics
The Story of Stuff by Annie Leonard is the starting point of a discussion of the linear system that depletes forests, empty lakes, erode the land, abuses atmospher and exploits the poor in third world countries.  The Viable System Model and Management Cybernetics is used to take a hard look at the system that is producing so much waste and resource depletion in order to suggest important change
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Banana Paper Reduction: Earth University : Dr. Panfilo Tabora
Static PreviewEARTH University of Costa Rica is a private, non-profit international institution dedicated to education, research and sustainable commercialization activities centered around agricultural sciences and the rational management of natural resources.

Their commercial banana farm is a major supplier to U.S. based Whole Foods and the agricultural waste from banana production is combined with recycled paper products to manufacture new paper for commercial purposes. The final banana paper product is aimed at such niche markets as printing presses, high-end notebooks, journals and corporate stationary.

full article: http://www.costaricafrog.com/2010/01/...
EarthSayers Matt Rogers; Panfilo Tabora, Ph.D.
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Sustainability in Costa Rica More Details
50 Ways to Save the Ocean: David Helvarg
Static PreviewEnvironmental activist David Helvarg talks about his book, 50 Ways to Save the Ocean, and explains how small, individual acts of conservation can work towards environmental preservation.  Full program is at Fora.tv.
EarthSayer David Helvarg
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Oceans More Details
A New Reason to Hope-Restoring the Chesapeake Bay
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Restoring our Waters is the story of how people around the country care about The Chesapeake Bay and are turning this caring into citizen action at the State (Maryland) and Federal level.

Like most of the bodies of water on the planet, it is the engine of a regional economy important and is a National Treasure, worthy of protection and deserving of the iconic status of the Florida Everglades, the Great Lakes, or the Mighty Mississippi. Americans who care about clean water, economic security, and national history are asked to sign  petition, and then contact their legislators to demonstrate how important the Chesapeake is to our nation. To participate visit the Restoring Our Waters Website.

EarthSayers Senator Ben Cardin; Chuck Fox
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Surfrider Foundation: Rise Above Plastics
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There are some scary creatures in the ocean... none more scary than plastic. Find out how you can help and also check out the Surfrider Website. 

Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Plastic in Our Oceans More Details
BP Oilpocalypse Creates Underwater Nightmare
Static Preview5/24/10: On Good Morning America, correspondent Sam Champion and Philippe Cousteau Jr. explore the toxic plumes of dispersed oil floating beneath the waves in the Gulf of Mexico.
EarthSayer Phillippe Cousteau, Jr.
Date unknown Format Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Oceans More Details
Tapped: the Bottled Water Industry by Stephanie Soechtig
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Trailer for the film, Tapped.  A film produced and directed by Stephanie Seochtig that examines the role of the bottled water industry and its effects on our health, climate change, pollution, and  our reliance on oil. Americans buy 29 Billion single serve bottles of water every year. And bottles are made in petro-chemical plants. www.tappedthemovie.com/
EarthSayers Sara Gibson; Stephanie Soechtig; Michael Walwath
Date unknown Format Trailer
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Plastic in Our Oceans More Details

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