People | Human Rights/Social Justice

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Two Green Leaves fighting climate change with Oregon Climate

Published on Jun 1, 2016

Two Green Leaves (twogreenleaves.org) is a blog created by two young friends, Charlie and Jeremy. We are aware of what climate change can do to the human race and it certainly isn’t good. That’s why we’ve created this blog: to help other people understand the effects of climate change and what we can do to help! Thank you for visiting us at twogreenleaves.org
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Global Warming Teaching Circle More Details
Standing Rock Youth and Chairman Archambault Respond to Obama at WHTNC

Published on Oct 6, 2016

Standing Rock Youth and Chairman Archambault Respond to Obama at the White House Tribal Nations Conference in Washington DC on September 26th, 2016

Video footage / editing by ICTMN's Vincent Schilling

Assistance by Alex Hamer 

EarthSayer Chairman Archambault
Date unknown Format News
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Standing Rock Indian Reservation More Details
Securing the Legal Right to a Stable Climate with Julia Olson
Published on Aug 30, 2016
Julia Olson, Executive Director for Our Children's Trust in a sit down interview with 350 Eugene's Megan Kemple on August 24, 2016
EarthSayers Megan Kemple; Julie Olson
Date unknown Format Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Justice More Details
Young Peoples Burden with Kivlehan and Hansen

Published on Oct 4, 2016

"... the assumption that young people will somehow figure out a way to undo the deeds of their forebears, has crept into and spread like a cancer through UN climate scenarios."

A conversation between Climate Scientist Dr. James Hansen and his granddaughter Sophie Kivlehan. 

YOUNG PEOPLE’S BURDEN:Requirement of Negative CO2 Emissions by James Hansen et. al. Download PDF here

EarthSayers Dr. James Hansen; Sophie Kivlehan
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Justice More Details
All Nations Rise by Lyla June

Published on Sep 30, 2016

Song and Lyrics by Lyla June at Johnson, protesting #NpDAPL. Motion graphics by Danica D'Souza.
EarthSayer Lyla June Johnson
Date unknown Format Performance
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Standing Rock Indian Reservation More Details
Tackling gender equality in the United Kingdom

Women in the UK fall behind in terms of gender parity as they enter adulthood, the workforce, or become parents, but change can come by focusing on several priority areas.

Learn more here.

Date unknown Format Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Equal Rights for Women and Girls More Details
Disrupting the Narrative: Unlocking Stories of Diversity in Tech

Published on Sep 29, 2016

Black and Latino students earn about 18% of computer science bachelors degrees, but make up only about 5% of the tech workforce at the industry's leading companies. Media coverage has been a critical component in the effort to diversify tech, shining a spotlight on low numbers of minorities employed at tech companies and what companies are doing to address it. Join us as New America CA Fellow Laura Weidman Powers, co-founder and CEO of CODE2040, asks leading journalists in the field to talk about how they see their role, what they choose to cover, and the future of diversity in the tech industry.


Ellen Huet
Tech Reporter, Bloomberg

Jessica Guynn
Senior Tech Writer, USA Today

Laura Weidman- Powers
Co-founder & CEO, CODE2040
New America CA Fellow

Megan Rose Dickey
Reporter, TechCrunch
EarthSayers Jessica Guynn; Megan Rose; Laura Weidman- Powers
Date unknown Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Equal Rights for Women and Girls More Details
Part I: A Special Report From #StandingRock

Published on Sep 27, 2016, Laura Flanders Show Channel

Part 1 of our field reports from the Seven Council Fires Community, at #StandingRock in Cannonball, North Dakota. Representatives from over 200 nations have travelled to #StandingRock to defend their right to clean water, and more, to preserve their sovereignty against a state that has illegally decided to take this land. They are protectors, not protesters. Their historic effort is bringing attention to a long struggle against environmental racism, indiscriminate raids, and genocidal erasure. 

We follow the story and the story of how these communities, Standing Rock Camp and Red Warrior Camp, have come to be entirely sustainable.

Featured in this documentary are a group of indigenous leaders working with the community: Kandi Mossett of the Indigenous Environmental Network (Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara – North Dakota); Phyllis Young - former councilwoman for O?héthi Šakówin (Lakotah, Woman Who Stands By The Water), Cody Hall, media spokesperson for Red Warrior Camp (Sioux), Michelle Cook - Legal Counsel for O?héthi Šakówi? camp (Diné - The One Who Walks Around You Clan), and Terrell Iron Shell of the International Indigenous Youth Council (Oglala Lakotah, Eastern Band Cherokee). 

“We’ve been here. We know how to take care of the land. Just listen to us.”
EarthSayers Terrell Iron Shell; Kandi Mossett; Phyllis Young
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Standing Rock Indian Reservation More Details
End Amazon Crude!

Published on Sep 28, 2016

Destroying the Rainforest, devastating the climate, deadly for indigenous peoples. Join the movement athttp://amazonwatch.org/endamazoncrude.

When most people think of where we get our oil, they primarily think of the Middle East. The tar sands of northern Canada or domestic fracking also come to mind. But drilling for oil in the Amazon? Not likely. Surprisingly oil extraction in the Amazon is rampant, and expanding. And it’s the worst possible place to be drilling. But who’s consuming the oil produced there? We are. Amazon crude is coming to California and the rest of the United States in record levels.

Amazonian peoples, many of whom consider oil to be the blood of Mother Earth, have long called on governments and corporations to keep it in the ground. Now scientists are catching up with their calls, stating that we need to keep 80% of fossil fuels in the ground in order to have a good chance of averting catastrophic climate change. As our planet’s most important carbon sink, the home to over 400 distinct indigenous peoples, and the world’s most biodiverse rainforest, it is urgent that we keep the oil in the ground in the Amazon. 

Amazon Watch is committed to supporting and amplifying the calls and proposals of our indigenous allies from the Amazon by ensuring that global governments and corporations respect their rights and territories. Based on the findings in our report FROM WELL TO WHEEL THE SOCIAL, ENVIRONMENTAL, AND CLIMATE COSTS OF AMAZON CRUDE, we call upon companies, universities, and governments to heed their call and change their vehicle fleets to Amazon-free fuel sources. By keeping the oil in the ground in the Amazon, we can contribute to the protection of the Amazon rainforest, indigenous peoples territories, and our global climate.
Date unknown Format Cartoon and Animation
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Clean Trade More Details
Opportunity and Discrimination by Betty Soskin

Talks at Google has uploaded Betty Soskin: "Of Lost Conversations: Opportunity and Discrimination..." Published on Sep 15, 2016

Betty Reid Soskin speaks about her experiences as a Black woman in the shipyards during World War II. Now in her 90s, Soskin is the country's oldest active park ranger, serving at the Rosie the Riveter World War II/Home Front National Historical Park in Richmond, California, which she helped bring into existence.

Betty brings a unique perspective to the story of the home front effort, having lived it as a woman of color. She also touches on the immense social changes that she and her family members have witnessed, and provides her thoughts on the responsibility of living in a democracy.
The following video provides more context to her work here.
EarthSayer Betty Soskin
Date unknown Format Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details

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