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Indigenous Knowledge

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Gently Sloping Mountains by Carol Craig (Yakama)
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Carol Craig of the Yakama Nation, describes the landscape and the indigenous tribes way of following the food. This is the show opener for the Second Episode of Sustainable Today 2013 "The Oregon Country" Native Frontier, with an introduction by Host Kalin Lee.

 1306 Part 1 Native Perspectives, Published on Jun 6, 2013, Sustainable Today, Portland, Oregon.

EarthSayer Carol Craig
Date unknown Format Series
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Sustainable Today More Details
Sacha Warmi Center by Didier Lacaze in Ecuador
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Sacha Warmi means "spirit woman of the forest" in the Kichwa language. A Female enchantress, she confers wisdom and beauty upon women, evoking the feminine spirit of nurturance and support for human life that arises from the Earth and Nature itself.

We hear a lot about how the Amazonian Rainforest is disappearing—but we don't hear much about how that affects the health of the people who once called it home.

By now it's an old story: Despite the international efforts that have taken place over the last 30-40 years to protect the Amazonian Rainforest and its indigenous peoples, ecological and cultural degradation continues at an alarming rate.

We invite you to create with us a beautiful and important project: the Sacha Warmi Center—an educational resource that will serve many people—located on the outskirts of the Amazonian Rainforest in the Pastaza region of Ecuador.

Donations accepted here.
Thank you for your generosity and support. Rosa Canelos and Didier Lacaze

Viedographer, Barry Heidt with post production by Norman Austin and curation by Ruth Ann Barrett of Sustainability Action Media (SAM). Available on the Health and Wellness collection, EarthSayers.tv, voices of sustainability.

Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)

Published on Apr 18, 2013

EarthSayer Didier Lacaze
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Health and Wellness More Details
Sacha Warmi Center and The Rights of Nature by Didier Lacaze
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Didier Lacaze with Rosa Canalos (Kichwa) founded the Sacha Warmi Center—an educational resource that will serve many people—located on the outskirts of the Amazonian Rainforest in the Pastaza region of Ecuador. It is part of PROMETRA (Promoción de la Medicina Tradicional Amazónica), a local Ecuadorian initiative created in 2005 by Didier and Rosa who was born in the village of Canelos and is Didier's wife.

Didier was interviewed by videographer Barry Heidt of Sustainability Action Media (SAM) as part of an online video campaign to increase the Indigenous Voices of Sustainability, co-sponsored by EarthSayers.tv, and focusing on wisdom keepers of Ecuador. Editing support by Norman Austin.

EarthSayers Rosa Canalos; Didier Lacaze
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Rights of Mother Earth More Details
Rights of Mother Earth Conference, April, 2012
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April 4-6, 2012, the Indigenous Environmental Network hIEN Poster for Conferenceosted a profound 3 day Rights of Mother Earth Conference at Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence, Kansas. This is one selection of a presentation from the conference. More conference coverage is available on the IENearth YouTube Channel.

This video addresses closing remarks of conference:
Domination of and the destruction of the values of the land can be seen when our Indigenous Knowledge is ignored or not shared by all. If people are given a choice based on the reality of what happens to our world when we disregard for the systems that sustain us and what would be if we return to the ancient knowledge that sustained the people of this hemisphere for thousands of years.



Date unknown Format Event/Conf
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Standing in that Place of Peace by Sequoyah Trueblood (Choctaw)
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Sequoyah Trueblood is a blood member of the Choctaw nation and a traveling Medicine man who works in the Mountains of British Columbia as well as traveled all over the world holding healing ceremonies. He has served in Vietnam as a member of the Green Beret Special Forces. Sequoyah embodies the heart doctrine and elaborates the ancient teachings of the Mamos and native peoples. He was a presenter at the SEED Graduate Institute's Wisdom from the Origins 2012 Conference.   Sequoyah was interviewed by
Barry Heidt of Sustainability Action Media and his video curated by Ruth Ann Barrett of EarthSayers.tv

EarthSayer Sequoyah Trueblood
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
THE FIRE INSIDE Youth Program at the Turtle Lodge (2011)
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This short film created by JustTV highlights the Fire Inside Program, an alternative Aboriginal Justice Program in Winnipeg that brought young men & women to the Turtle Lodge this past March. At the Turtle Lodge the youth received their spiritual names, experienced fasting for two days & received traditional teachings through ceremony. Watch the video & listen to the voices of the youth themselves.

EarthSayers Dave Courchene; Cora Morgan
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Our Youth Speak Up More Details
You Are Welcome, You Are Invited by Doug Cohen
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Natural leadership, intergenerational community building, and lifelong learning are themes Doug Cohen addresses as part of his work with students and youths.  In this  video he talks about the "Call of the Time" a teaching of the Brahma Kumaris organization and the importance of a pursuing a "diet of perception input that is very diverse." 

Doug was interviewed by Barry Heidt of Sustainability Action Media (SAM) at the SEED Graduate Institute's Conference, Wisdom from the Origins, September 13-17, 2012 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The conference featured a Youth Leadership and Scholarship Program led by Doug Cohen and Sabine Amend.

This excerpt of a much longer interview was edited for www.earthsayers.tv, voices of sustainability by Ruth Ann Barrett.

EarthSayer Doug Cohen
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Culture and Consciousness More Details
Mayan Prophecies and the Importance of Renewal by Kenneth Johnson
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Author Kenneth Johnson talks about each moment in sacred time is a new beginning in the world, for all of us, renewal being the keyword. 

His workshop at the Wisdom from the Origins Conference: The Mayan Calendar and other Prophesies on the Future of Humanity in Albuquerque, September 13-17 is "On Living the Sacred Calendar." 

His newest book on the Mayan Calendar is available here. The Mayan Calendar does not "end" in 2012 as he discussed in his new book, "The Mayan Prophecies: The Renewal of the World, 2012-2072.

Kenneth was interviewed by Kathie, the Inspiration Gal.

EarthSayer Kenneth Johnson
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom from the Origins 2012 More Details
Cirilo PeDon Alejandro rez Oxlaj 27 de Marzo 2012
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Celebracion del Wajxaqib Baatz 27 de Marzo 2012 Belejeb Tzi Guatemala

Don Alejandro Cirilo Pérez, Wakatel Utiw (Wandering Wolf), is Quiche Maya from the highlands of Guatemala. Wandering Wolf serves as: leader of the National Mayan Council of Elders of Guatemala; Day Keeper of the Mayan Calendar; 13th generation Quiche Mayan Spiritual Leader; a founder and Grand Elder of the Continental Council of Elders & Spiritual Guides of the Americas; Extraordinary Ambassador in the Guatemalan government representing the indigenous pueblos; and an international lecturer on Mayan culture.His mathematical provenance extends to the traditional and elegant mathematics of the Mayan Long Count Calendar, which culminates in the Mayan year “Zero,” or approximately 2012 in the Gregorian calendar. Grandfather Cirilo holds the great honor of keeping sacred the teachings, visions, ceremonies and prophecies of the Maya people.

EarthSayer Don Alejandro Alejandro rez Oxlaj
Date unknown Format Teaching
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom from the Origins 2012 More Details
The Importance of Energy with Prophesy by Ac Tah
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I AC TAH , a descendant of the men of maayab of the eastern part of Yucatan state, come from the lineage TAH CANCHE Baak and AC . Through the teachings of my grandparents and Baak Huchin BEE HAT , I learned that after 5125 years the earth with other planets create a perfect alignment to develop ourselves as beings of light, therefore we live in a historical time to create a conducive new state of consciousness where humans can live in harmony and balance. So, I am currently doing a tour around the country promoting awareness awakening to the return of the Maya foretold by my ancestors.


EarthSayer Ac Tah
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom from the Origins 2012 More Details

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