Prosperity | Eco-Economics
Local, Green Economy

Displaying 3 videos of 3 matching videos

Green infrastructure and community wealth with Johanna Bozuwa

How can cities use green infrastructure to build community wealth with worker coops and social enterprise? Learn more in our new report:

EarthSayer Johanna Bozuwa
Date 3/25/2019 Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Resiliency and Communities More Details
Sustainable Connections - Transforming a Community by Michelle Long
Static PreviewPeak Moment 75: Michelle Long shows us how a highly successful local independent business network has transformed Bellingham, WA, while inspiring other communities. From an initial "Think Local First" program, they have expanded to business peer mentoring, and support for local food producers, sustainable buildings, and green energy. An astounding sixty percent of their community are not only aware of the "Think Local, Buy Local, Be Local" campaign but have changed buying habits as well. More information on this segment is here.
EarthSayers Janaia Donaldson; Michelle Long
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Peak Moment More Details
The Small-Mart Revolution by Michael Shuman
Static PreviewPeak Moment 44: Michael Shuman advocates "Going Local," showing how local businesses are beating global competition and helping to create self-reliant communities. One innovative idea: invest locally by moving a portion of pension funds into regional stock exchanges.
EarthSayers Janaia Donaldson; Michael Shuman
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Peak Moment More Details

Displaying 3 videos of 3 matching videos


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