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On the Tribes We Lead by Seth Godin
Static Preview Seth Godin argues the Internet has ended mass marketing and revived a human social unit from the distant past: tribes. Founded on shared ideas and values, tribes give ordinary people the power to lead and make big change. He urges us to do so. http://www.ted.com

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes.
EarthSayer Seth Godin
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Ghandi, King and the Earth Charter by Mary Evelyn Tucker
Static PreviewMary Evelyn Tucker discusses the teachings of Mahatma Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr. and their relation to the Earth Charter. Tucker highlights the idea that humanity is capable of embracing long-term, radical change and suggests that humans are at a critical point in their history, one in which the recognition of humanity as being part of a living and unique Earth community is vital.  Tucker continues to discuss the Earth Charter, its relation to Satyagraha, and the incorporation of principles of nonviolence, democracy, and peace in its body.
EarthSayer Mary Evelyn Tucker
Date unknown Format Lectures
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Culture and Consciousness More Details
SAM Portfolio: Conference Participant: Rafael Gallo: Interview
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Rafael was videotaped by Barry Heidt of sustainabletv with editing support by Tom Hopkins of Sustainable Today at The International Ecotourism Society's (TIES) 2010 ESTC event in Portland, Oregon, September 8-10, 2010. 

Title: Environmental Sustainability and Saving Resources by Rafael Gallo

Rafael Gallo has pursued his passion for whitewater paddling from learning to paddle in the Great Smoky Mountains of the United States during college to founding and growing one of the best rafting companies in the world in his native Central America, based in Costa Rica. He has introduced thousands to the sport of paddling, led the fight to save the world-renowned Pacuare River from the first dam threat in the 1990s, purchased and protects 2000 acres of rainforest along the Pacuare and Rios’ eco-lodge. has planted almost 14,000 native tree species as part of the United Nations Environmental Program “Plant for the Planet: Billion Tree Campaign.”  More information on community development visit this Website.


EarthSayer Rafael Gallo
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Sustainability Action Media (SAM) More Details
Introduction to FourYearsGo. Org

Soul of Money Institute Founder Lynne Twist presents at the Transformational Leadership Conference FOUR YEARS. GO., a global communications campaign Council. WWW.FOURYEARSGO.ORG

EarthSayers Lynn Twist; Dan Wieden
Date unknown Format Advertisment Public Service
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Sustainability and Four Years. Go

FOUR YEARS. GO. is a campaign to change the course of history. The next four years will determine the quality of life on this planet for the next 1,000 years. There is still time to act, but no time to waste. For more information go to http://www.fouryearsgo.org

See also Lynn Twist on a video introducing this campaign also in the EarthSayers.tv collection.

Sustainability, activism and lifestyle

Date unknown Format Advertisment Public Service
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
The 4 million-People Country Project by Monica Araya
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I am from Costa Rica. Here I outline my idea to rebuild trust by redesigning cities. After Copenhagen, we need to rethink our cooperation and create new alliances. I propose to bring together countries of 4 million people (Costa Rica, Norway, Singapore, New Zealand, and Lebanon).

Soy de Costa Rica y soy especialista ambiental aquí expongo mi idea para repensar, rediseñar y reconstruir la confianza para el beneficio de las personas y el planeta. Propongo un proyecto entre paises de 4 millones como Costa Rica, Noruega, Nueva Zelanda, Singapur y Líbano.

EarthSayer Monica Araya
Date unknown Format Blog
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Sustainability in Costa Rica More Details
50 Ways to Save the Ocean: David Helvarg
Static PreviewEnvironmental activist David Helvarg talks about his book, 50 Ways to Save the Ocean, and explains how small, individual acts of conservation can work towards environmental preservation.  Full program is at Fora.tv.
EarthSayer David Helvarg
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Oceans More Details
Amy Goodman at Green Festival Seattle 2010

Earthsayers.tv: Journalist and best selling author Amy Goodman of Democracy Now speaking at the Green Festival, June 6th, 2010 in Seattle, Washington. Ms. Goodman's speech, "Drilling, Spilling, Killing: From Oil Wells to Oil Wars," includes her first-hand experience in Louisiana covering the Gulf of New Mexico oil spill, the humanitarian aid mission to Gaza, and why she has filed a lawsuit against city and state officials of St. Paul, Minnesota, accusing police of wrongfully arresting her during the Republican National Convention two years ago. The speech is in seven parts on Youtube. This speech was recorded by Ruth Ann Barrett, Producer, EarthSayers.tv, the voices of sustainability.

EarthSayer Amy Goodman
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
A New Reason to Hope-Restoring the Chesapeake Bay
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Restoring our Waters is the story of how people around the country care about The Chesapeake Bay and are turning this caring into citizen action at the State (Maryland) and Federal level.

Like most of the bodies of water on the planet, it is the engine of a regional economy important and is a National Treasure, worthy of protection and deserving of the iconic status of the Florida Everglades, the Great Lakes, or the Mighty Mississippi. Americans who care about clean water, economic security, and national history are asked to sign  petition, and then contact their legislators to demonstrate how important the Chesapeake is to our nation. To participate visit the Restoring Our Waters Website.

EarthSayers Senator Ben Cardin; Chuck Fox
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Leaders as Spotlights by Wilson Justin (Althsetnay, Athabascan)
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Excerpt of an interview with Wilson Justin (Althsetnay, Athabascan):  Justin shares his view of what entails true leadership, and he cites the need for a new generation of leaders at all levels of society. People who illuminate issues and have moral courage and speak out.

This clip is part of a series exploring the meaning of sustainability from the perspectives of indigenous leaders from the bioregion of Salmon Nation. See the Native Perspectives on Sustainability project .

EarthSayers David Hall, Ph.D.; Wilson Justin
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Leadership Development More Details

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