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Sustainability 101: Exponential Growth by Dr. Albert Bartlett
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Professor Bartlett explains "sustainability" in the context of the First Law of Sustainability. Problems at local, national, and global levels are all tied together with arithmetic. And our greatest shortcoming is our inability to understand the exponential function. 

Dr. Albert Bartlett discusses the implications of unending growth on economies, population, and resources. Presented at UBC on 5/19/2011. For more information, see http://www.AlBartlett.org .

EarthSayer Albert Bartlett
Date unknown Format Lectures
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection What is Sustainability? More Details
Use of the Term, Sustainability by Larry Merculieff (Aleut)
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Excerpt of an interview with Larry Merculieff (Aleut) from the Native Perspectives on Sustainability project (www.nativeperspectives.net). Merculieff critiques the use and meaning of the term "sustainability," and he speaks to the potential for human beings to draw upon our inherent intelligence to live in alignment with all of creation.

EarthSayer Larry Merculieff
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Global Warming Teaching Circle More Details
Definition of Sustainable Innovation, Elementary Style by Dassault Systems
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So what does sustainable innovation mean? Everybody says everything and anything about it and the concept can get blurry sometimes. We thought we'd give our own definition, elementary style, to get things clear! The "we" is Dassault Systemes the leader in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) headquartered in France.

Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection What is Sustainability? More Details
Inspiring Sustainability in Skeptics -- John Marshall Roberts
Static PreviewJohn Marshall Roberts discusses the science of inspiration, and the role of communication for creating profound social change. Sustainability is about redesigning our society so it can last over time.
EarthSayer John Marshall Roberts
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Culture and Consciousness More Details
Building Sustainable Places by Steve Mouzon
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Author and architect Steve Mouzon gives a brief definition of new urbanism and relates it to building a sense of place. Mouzon Design is headed by Steve and his wife, Wanda Mouzon and is located in Miami. Steve is also a principal of the New Urban Guild. The New Urban Guild is a group of architects, designers, and other New Urbanists dedicated to the study and the design of true traditional buildings and places native to and inspired by the regions in which they are built. The Guild was instrumental in the creation of the Katrina Cottages concept, and continues to foster the movement, including sponsoring a website (no longer available).

The Guild Foundation has hosted Steve & Wanda’s Original Green initiative, which is plain-spoken, common-sense sustainability.

EarthSayer Steve Mouzon
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Design and Architecture More Details
Definition of Sustainability by Corporations by Christoph Lueneburger
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Egon Zehnder's Christoph Lueneburger discusses the challenges of building a truly sustainable organization, from defining sustainability to creating tangible, actionable metrics to measure success.

EarthSayer Christoph Lueneburger
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection What is Sustainability? More Details
Definition of Sustainability by RealEyes
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Watch this short animated movie explaining sustainability created for RealEyes by Igloo Animations,Dublin, Ireland.

EarthSayers Daragh Anglim; John Harrington
Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection What is Sustainability? More Details
Visions of a Sustainable World by Paul Raskin
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This 10 minute video presents highlights of an interview with Dr. Paul Raskin about his views on the pathways necessary to achieve a sustainable planetary civilization in the near-term future. Dr. Raskin posits that a global citizens movement and a Copernican shift in how humans perceive their relationship to earth are both necessary. Dr. Raskin is the President and Founder of the Tellus Institute, the Founder of the Global Scenario Group, and a leader of the Great Transition Initiative. The interview is a companion to the Visions of a Sustainable World Speaker series at Yale University.

EarthSayer Paul Raskin
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Transforming Our Economy More Details
Use of the Term Sustainability - Larry Merculieff
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Excerpt of an interview with Larry Merculieff (Aleut) from the Native Perspectives on Sustainability project (www.nativeperspectives.net). Merculieff critiques the use and meaning of the term "sustainability," and he speaks to the potential for human beings to draw upon our inherent intelligence to live in alignment with all of creation.

EarthSayers David Hall, Ph.D.; Larry Merculieff
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Native Perspectives on Sustainability More Details
Sustainability: EarthDay for All and the Challenge of Inequity: Ron Sims
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Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Ron Sims inspires us to be innovative and committed to change in a talk he gave in Portland, Oregon on April 22, 2010, EarthDay. He talked about what Sustainability means to him; the importance of changing who we are; and how the grand experiment we call the United States of America is one of opportunity, fairness and justice. More information on his accomplishment can be found on his Website.

This public talk by the Deputy Secretary is part of the The 8th Annual Regional Livability Summit sponsored by the Coalition for a Livable Future.

EarthSayer Ron Sims
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Portland Sustainability Leaders More Details

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