
Displaying 5 videos of 5 matching videos

Why is organic food so *#@! expensive? by Ali Partovi
Ali Partovi serves on the board of FoodCorps, a non-profit that deploys volunteers to improve food sourcing & education in schools. He is a passionate advocate of sustainable food systems, and has invested in ventures like BrightFarms and Farmigo, as well as real estate fund Farmland LP to scale more resource-efficient farming techniques.Published on Mar 20, 2015

Ali Partovi has been described by the San Jose Mercury News as one of “Silicon Valley’s top angel investors,” having been on the ground floor of both Facebook and Dropbox. 

EarthSayer Ali Partovi
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
The Carrot Zone Presentation by Ruth Ann Barrett

This is a proposal for the location of a Chinese style Green Grocer in the New Chinese Japanese Historical District of the Old Town Chinatown Neighborhood Association. Ruth Ann Barrett is a sustainability advocate living in the neighborhood with experience in community development, local government, association management and marketing. This is an update of an earlier version. Published on Oct 26, 2014

EarthSayer Ruth Ann Barrett
Date unknown Format Suggestions and Tips
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Portland Sustainability Leaders More Details
A New Farmer Perspective by Jen Henry
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In this interview Jen Henry talks about how she first become involved in farming through a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) model program and what challenges she and her sister, Aby, face as new farmers.

Jen and Aby formed Siren Song Permaculture a locally based consultation and garden design company. They specialize in creating edible landscapes using permaculture principles - everything from small projects installing herb spirals and keyhole gardens, to large projects that include entire edible landscape designs. All of our garden designs include food for humans as well as habitat for beneficial insects and birds and provisions for any other wildlife that you would like to encourage or discourage from your property.

She was interviewed by Ruth Ann Barrett of EarthSayers.tv on August 11, 2011 in Portland, Oregon.

EarthSayers Jen Henry; Aby Henry
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
Rethink What You Drink by Seth Goldman
Static PreviewSeth Goldman of Honest Tea raps on about importance of drinking organic products and he did this promotional and educational campaign along with Gary Hirshberg of Stonyfield to promote eating and drinking organic.
EarthSayer Seth Goldman
Date unknown Format Infotainment
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
Just Eat Organic by Gary Hirshberg
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Gary Hirshberg, CEO of  true blue organic and anti- GMO. Stonyfield is  a company on the front lines of doing good while advocating wealth creation. This video is part of a campaign promoting eating and drinking healthy and organic products.

EarthSayer Gary Hirshberg
Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details

Displaying 5 videos of 5 matching videos


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